
  • Printout of the prepared material
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers or crayons (optional)


How could Santa Claus prepare his gifts for the children without his precious little helpers? The happy little elves star in all the New Year stories and are our children's favorites!

This craft has slightly higher requirements in terms of the use of scissors but remains simple, with easy outlines and extremely useful in learning geometric shapes and colors.

Your little ones can either:

  • just paint the prepared black and white coloring page; or
  • cut and glue the colored pieces; or
  • color the pieces and glue them together on a white paper; or
  • glue them on a colored paper.

Alternatively you could use a white paper plate for the head which your little ones will color pink, a red pon pon for the nose, ready swaying eyes or even cotton for the bottom white part of the cap!

Have fun!