
  • Printout of the prepared material
  • Pair of scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers or crayons (optional)


Our little ones (but also elder ones) love to see little Santa Clauses and Christmas trees all over the house during the holidays! This extremely easy craft of ours will help you create your home decoration together with your little ones, while having fun!

Print the prepared material on higher-density A4 paper for best results. For the Christmas tree you can use the black and white pattern if you already have colored papers. You can also encourage your little ones to color the tree, the balls and the star or Santa Claus and cut out the easy outlines.

Apply glue to one end of the tree outline on the outside and help the little ones join the two ends to form the cone. In the case of the Christmas tree, the little ones can use other materials instead of paper balls. Like sequins, pon pon or whatever other material you have at home. The result will be impressive!

Happy Holidays

Santa and Tree (gallery)

Santa and Tree (gallery)

Santa and Tree (gallery)

Santa and Tree (gallery)

Santa and Tree (gallery)

Santa and Tree (gallery)

Santa and Tree (gallery)

Santa and Tree (gallery)