
  • Printout of the prepared material
  • Pair of scissors
  • Glue
  • Cotton
  • Markers or crayons (optional)


With Christmas and New Year approaching, this craft with Santa Claus is one of the easiest ones for our little ones!

All you have to do is print the material we have prepared for you or let your little ones paint the black and white outline with Santa Claus and his hat and add eyes and a red nose. Then separate the cotton into small balls, put glue around Santa Claus's face, on his cheeks and on the top of his hat and place the cotton. If you want to hang it on the Christmas tree, you could glue or sew a simple string or even a rubber band on the back.

Santa Claus is ready!

Santa Ornament (gallery)

Santa Ornament (gallery)

Santa Ornament (gallery)

Santa Ornament (gallery)